Thursday, January 31, 2008

Yummy foods

It has been only recently that Luke started enjoying baby foods. There hasn't been a food that I gave him that he didn't like! I think his favorite is green beans. He enjoys that more than any fruit! I guess you must develop taste buds for the sweeter, fattier foods later on in life!

I started Luke out really slow on new foods because of his allergies. I would try only one new food for 3 or more days straight. He didn't react to any new foods! Little did I know that he wouldn't react because he has been on steriods for his asthma ever since we started all these new foods! Now that he is off of the oral steriods, look out rashes!


Staci Landis said...

Oh, Michelle...he is SO cute. I love this picture of him. :-)

Chelle said...

Eating can be so much fun! How is he doing now that he is off the meds? Does Luke have a favorite food?

When Acacia was little, the only jarred baby food she would eat was sweet potatoes. She hated everything else.

And Dano only had baby food for a few weeks before doing table food. He was - and still is - Mommy's good eater!