Sunday, January 13, 2008

One Very Long Week

On Saturday night, right after the heartbreaking loss the Steeler's had, we heard Luke coughing. John and I went in to check on him and we noticed he was having trouble breathing. We rushed him to the ER. They gave him a breathing treatment and diagnosed him with croop. 4 hours later we were at home. On Wednesday, I noticed Luke was getting worse. He was pulling at his ears and having more trouble breathing. I took him in to his doctor and right away she heard his fast breathing and sent us to the ER. After many breathing treatments, steroids, and being transported in an ambulance to the ICU unit at another hospital Luke's breathing finally settled. He stayed the night. He was diagnosed with RSV and pneumonia. We were able to take him home Thursday night. He is receiving breathing treatments, steroids, and antibiotics at home. We are happy to say that he is feeling better. He is starting to act like his old jolly self again. We praise God and thank everyone for their help and prayers!


Anonymous said...

It was a long week - - and we sure are happy that Luke is home and feeling a little better. Poor pumpkin. I can't wait to hold him and give him a kiss.... but I better wait a while because of Megan. Praise the Lord for watching over little Luke!

Heather said...

Hi Michelle,
I stumbled upon your blog on Chelle's page. It's nice to see pictures of your cute family! I dind't even know that Andrea had her baby... I am so out of the loop!! Anyway, I'm glad Luke is feeling better. You must have been terrified. Delaney has a nasty cough right now, too, and I feel like I don't sleep a wink at night because I'm listening for her. Have a wonderful weekend and give little Luke a kiss from us!
Heather B. :)